Friday, February 17, 2012

Why is chinese food so under rated?

It's so disappointing, I take my friends out for chinese and everytime i try to order something a bit more authentic... and all I get is either silence or a very quiet 'er what's that'. you know, chinese food doesn't have to be smouldered in red coloured sauce to be good. no wonder the chinese menus have no moved on for the last 30 years (or more) in the UKWhy is chinese food so under rated?
I was born and brought up in Hong Kong and I'm now in HK telling you that you can never make your friend agree with you unless they have been to Hong Kong!!!!

It is hard to get the ingredients and seasonings in UK to prepare authentic Chinese food which demands very fresh ingredients.

There is an answerer above me even thinks Chinese restaurants in UK would mix frogs / snakes / dogs in the food to serve their customers, I view that as a joke!!!! While the cost of frozen chicken / beef / pork is darn so cheap, would there be any restaurant owner be that stupid to get meat from snakes in the forest? (where they source them?) - how much meat you would get from snakes - and how troublesome to kill the dogs in your restaurant kitchens + to break the law? and how much more profit the owner can make?

I have been to London, Manchester, Black Pool, so far I remember the Chinese Dim Sum Restaurant in the China Town London was kind of OK, if you are in London, I suggest you to try those bigger restaurants in China Town.

Otherwise, learn to cook some easy Chinese dishes is another option too!

P.S. I do not put MSG in my food when cooking, no need to do so, natural flavours of the ingredients taste good enough.
well i don't think it is i love chinese don't let them bother you like they say if it looks good then eat it.Why is chinese food so under rated?
I don't think it's underrated it's quite popular isn't it? But it's the same if you go on hols British don't really like to try other foods. That's why there are so many British pubs etc.
Lol who cares what your friends reaction is? I say..if it looks good, eat it!
i agree. it totally depends where you go i think

a bad restaurant/take away can totally ruin peoples ideas of it

i just know that chinese food is supposed to be high in sugar salt and fat:-/

Chinese food can be good, but a lot of it has so much sodium and fat that the nutritional value is null.
In my experience, to get really good, authentic food, either go to a restaurant where Chinese people themselves eat, and, even better, go with a Chinese friend who can ask for something special. Otherwise you'll probably just get the usual, bland stir-fried something...
there seems to be two versions of it. the domestic version (wherever you happen to be living) and the real chinese stuff. my chinese friends laugh when I ask them if they actually eat this stuff which of course they don't. the real stuff is not quite so breaded nor is it so meat centric.
not sure what you mean by authentic

the company I work for a regularly sending people out to china (ningbo) sourcing new products and stuff, the food their is bloody disgusting, I'm quite open minded with food %26amp; will try anything, but some of the stuff they eat, well its just not nice
im chinese...was born in hong kong and the best way to eat the best chinese food is china or hong kong. if u in hong kong u gotta try these things fish, oyster, clam, shrimp, lobster, sushi,chicken feet, and dim sum . dim sum id sooo good and very cheap to me. my favorite food in hong kong is there roasted duck....i know ewww but it really good. but if u can go to hong kong than go to china town in these places NY or California. if u guys hate chinese food than shame on u. i mean even though i live in america my mom and dad still make chinese food every night like steam fish, fried rice, squid, and lot more that i dont know how to put it in english. i agree very much with that chinese girl.

ps no need to put msg in ur food .....the food have natural flavor.
I suggest u next time to go to a mall which has restaurants and there u should take what u want and your friends should do that to
Most Chinese restaurants in the US don't have authentic Chinese food. Chinatown's food is somewhat better. If you have a friend who is Chinese, ask them to cook for you. (:
I think the problem is that we are used to the type of chinese food that is just fried rice and else... fast food type of dishes

If you haven't had the chance to either go to a Chinese bistro that serves more traditional dishes versus "americanized" fast food type of menu or travel to the region and taste what is all about, you'll have a limited mentality on this exciting cuisine
Chinese food is very good. The only problem i have with it is , i can never finish one and then i'm starving two hours later.
Yeah! Whatever - consider this - just because you like it - doesn't mean everyone does - by asking 'what's that'? - at least they are enquiring - some people don't like certain foods - so what.
its like that with other cuisines too so its not just chinese.

i personally like chinese food and have it quite often.
I love Chinese food i usually pick something i haven't tried before and am always impressed
Kerrie - perhaps if you took your friends to a Chinese buffet so they could see what the dishes look like before they ate them, they would be more receptive to trying new things.

Chinese is my favorite - can you tell :) Ok, ok - so it is ONE of my favorites. :)
well people are not sure what chinnesse peope put in their food so its safer to eat something you know. there have been roumers that they cook fros and snakes and dogswouldnt want to eat any of that myself.
People who have grown up on a meat %26amp; veg diet simply get in the mindset that, anything "different" is bad. Hence sushi, curries, and Chinese food get a bad rap.

Agreed, the Chinese restaurants in the UK lack something. At least the ones in the states we're innovative in making it more palatable, if not very authentic.
too much sugar in it, chinese aint all that

smothered in red coloured sauce ? you sound like someone with issues who will soon have no freinds
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