Friday, February 17, 2012

I went to londonsnumberonebstards local Chinese takeaway and they had Chow meow on the menu instead of?

chow mein...

Does that mean they are selling cat as meow is associated with cats??I went to londonsnumberonebstards local Chinese takeaway and they had Chow meow on the menu instead of?
Silly you wasn`t a chinese takeaway its a siamese take away ... purrr
Yes, yes I think it does.I went to londonsnumberonebstards local Chinese takeaway and they had Chow meow on the menu instead of?
I think you're just picking on the Chinese.
chinese people eat cats and dogs ....fact lol
yes, but was it nice? dont complain if it was!!!! lol
Sure. As we all know it is much easier to kill the neighbourhood strays than go to your local butcher to get your meat. Seriously, any half-way busy restaurant will serve a few hundred pounds of meat a week, how many cats do you think that would be?
Ah...Monkey! But seriously - lived in back to back house years ago, and throughout the months, the barking of dogs at night became less and less - some teeny snarlers put windows through a family called the Wu's (from Shanghai) in the next street - later found out an old boy was killing them with mild drug pellets and taking them to the college for twenty quid a throw. It was the suspicion that dogs 'equalled' Oriental food some time ago...Bruno with Szechuan dumplings (etc). Mmmmm - seconds please, mummy...

BBBB - boom boom, Betty Boop!

Chow Meow is some kind of veggie.

and I don't think Chinese likes to eat cat
You seem to have way to much time on your hands.

I have a suggestion for you, go back to the Chinese takeaway and ask them your stupid question.

I'm sure you'll be thrown out on the street, where you belong, before you have time to think of another stupid question.

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