Thursday, February 9, 2012

Have you ever seen a wearwolf with a chinese menu in his hand?

yes!!! I saw him!! He was Walking through the streets of Soho in the rain!! Hurry you might catch him!!Have you ever seen a wearwolf with a chinese menu in his hand?
no not lately~
yea i just saw one right now. ordering sezhcuan beefHave you ever seen a wearwolf with a chinese menu in his hand?
No!That is interesting.
yes he goes in our local chinese alll the time......i think his name is paul.!!!
umm... no!
No, but I bet he was ugly. when I'm about to eat some chinese food. I go crazy for the stuff. :)
i dont look for warewolfes in a chinese menu
Yeah and I wished 'Hi J'

No, not in a long time!
Oh bugger, I've just given him directions to somebodys house.

Hes not... dangerous.... is he?
I think that a werewolf is the chef at mine, the amount of hairs I keep finding in my food!

I have heard that all the werewolves get their take-outs from Tu Fang's though?
Only in London.:)
Yes and he was drinking a Pina Colada at Trader Vicks and gonna get himself a big old dish of beef chow mein. You better stay away from him, he'll rip your lungs out Jim.
  • bray and scarff
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