Friday, February 17, 2012

Do Chinese restaurants PURPOSELY misspell items on their menu to look more authentic?

no no you might or might not know the hardest part of learning a language is reading and then writing...In the end the words might end up being spelled phonetically you know sounded out...the errors in spelling could come anywhere in the chain of command the restuarant owner when jotting down the words might have a abreviated the words or worse spelled them in chinese...therefore the mistakes are likely to be genuine..Do Chinese restaurants PURPOSELY misspell items on their menu to look more authentic?
I don't think so.
lol. I've never seen a spelling mistake on a menu, but i'm sure it's not on purpose. I don't think mis-spelling words would make me think a restaurant was more authentic.Do Chinese restaurants PURPOSELY misspell items on their menu to look more authentic?
How can you tell? If you go to a chinese restaurant (for example) surely the dishes are spelled as an anglicised version of the chinese name - hence, there will be no definitive spelling.

If you are focusing on this instead of what's on your plate, the food must be REALLY bad - go somewhere else with better food (can't say the spelling will be any better =)
English is a difficult language to learn as a second language. Most likely the mistakes are genuine.

The funniest thing I saw once when visiting China once was "Boiled Water" soup. I ordered it (it was only like 10 cents) and sure enough, all it was is boiled water. I asked the waitress and she said, usually customers that order that will bring their own ingredients (spices, noodles, etc.) to the restaurant to add. Of course, I didn't have anything to add so I just sat there drinking my boiled water soup. She was nice enough to bring me free ice cubes.
who cares you eat the food not what's written
Yeah they due Nothing says authentic like misspelling words on the menu. I have placed a misspelled word in this answer to make it seem more authentic.
While I don't know for sure, my favorite is "lobester" for "lobster". I've committed some faux pas when ordering shrimp with lobester sauce on the phone. I hope I didn't offend them. But I was just reading it off the menu!
I don't's kind of funny

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