Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Did you know that the entire KFC menu is loaded with MSG, more than any Chinese food place?


In fact, most American fast food places and processed food is loaded with MSG.Did you know that the entire KFC menu is loaded with MSG, more than any Chinese food place?
I've known that KFC and other fast food establishments use MSG for years- which is why I avoid them, or one of the big reasons why.

LOL at the very last post. It says right on the KFC website that most of their products contain MSG. They have to list it, even if you find a product that doesn't specifically say MSG on the ingredient list, there are many other names for it or ways it's listed in foods, so just because you see a list that doesn't contain exactly MSG, doesn't mean you're safe.

MSG is a chemical and a flavour enhancer. Aside from all the health risks involved ingesting the stuff, why would anyone want to eat somewhere where they have to load their food with flavour enhancer to get you to eat it? I mean wouldn't you rather eat somewhere where they know how to cook tasty food without having to use flavour enhancer? Not saying much about the quality of their food.

You web siteis biased and really has no facts

why not ask the source..

http://www.kfc.com/nutrition/Did you know that the entire KFC menu is loaded with MSG, more than any Chinese food place?
no, BUT did you also know that KFC boils their chickens alive? They are an ANIMAL CRUELTY FOOD ESTABLISHMENT!!!!! its one thing to eat meat but we dont need to be cruel to our food before it dies they feel pain and cry too!
KFC looks yummy, but I can't eat it. It has so much salt in it, it makes my lips hurt! Maybe part of that is the msg.
Yes, I did know that! I am allergic to MSG so I can not any processed foods. I make everything from scratch at home.
MSG tastes good. nothing wrong with eating what tastes good. what, is it a carcinogen? no...
Thats what I had for lunch. no wonder I feel like crap.
who cares
nope didnt know that

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