Friday, February 24, 2012

Chinese or Indian food?

I love love love Indian food yum yum chinese food i find a bit boring but Im a vegetarian and there not much choice in a chinese menu compared to Indian food. anyway, what do u prefer?Chinese or Indian food?
Chinese definitely.

If you have a chance to visit Hong Kong, their vegetarian restaurants will change your mind about chinese food being boring.

Many of the chinese restaurants in England are good, but they do not have the wow factor as those in Hong Kong.Chinese or Indian food?
If you don't see much choice in a Chinese menu, I would suggest looking for a different Chinese restaurant! There are many wonderful dishes you can get.

As to the question, I love both!
Indian Indian Indian. I do like Chinese but prefer Indian. Could eat a curry every night. I thought Chinese did quite a few veggie dishes. I always have a veg dish when we get chinese.
I love both!!!But yeah Indian had a lot more veggie options and plus there's so much variety because one main ingredient is cooked in different ways in different states!!! Its a hard one, and I cannot chose!
I prefer Indian food over chinese! Chinese food can be too salty and vague. Indian food has thick feeling each bite! I really love this Indian dessert called gulab jamun!
I love them both, but probably Chinese more right now cos I haven't had it recently. So probably the one I haven't had recently. They can both get a bit boring if you eat too much of eaither.
I love Chinese, I went through a Vegetarian phase and I used to get Vegetable Chow Mein with Pekin sauce (I think thats what the sauce is called anyway) :o)
I tried an indian food buffet once with an open mind and didn't like it enough to have it ever again. Chinese food has always been my favorite though
I prefer Indian Food but my stomach prefers Chinese.I think Indian food is the tastiest in the world
I like Indian food much healthier than Chinese at least American Chinese food.
Indian anytime and everyday.
Indian for me! I've just had lamb curry, saag paneer, roti, yoghurt and salad for tea yum yum yum!!!!
I can't choose, as I love both cuisines. Mmm!!

Some people mentioned Japanese food. Yes, this is excellent, love it love it. My favorite food is sushi, mmm!
Indian please.
Thai because it's like Chinese but more interesting.
Hmmm, not a huge fan of either, i'm more into Japanese but I suppose Indian.... i'm a little too used to Chinese now
Chinese =]
chinese is fine for quickness and a fill up quick meal and is bit cheaper but you cant beat a good indian meal. no contest
I love chinese food the best but adore chicken tikka Indian
ASIAN INVASION. basically indian more flavour and less dogs in the food
chinese :]
indian its so much tastier
indian defo - nothing beats a gd old bhuna lol
Chinese...I dont wanna go through the f*cking roof when I take a sh*t 5 hours later
Chinese is one of my least favorite cuisines, but Indian is my absolute least favorite! ... try Japanese or Thai or Greek

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